Stitch Wars opening night was this past Friday, August 12th. I really wish I could have made it, but Florida is a bit of a drive and as supportive as Bats is I don't think he would have been down for a twelve hour trip. What a loser. I'll just have to enjoy it through the magic of the internet.

I made three dolls for the show, a Kit Fisto and a Yoda and Luke on Dagobah.

I had to make Luke a little bigger than the usual dolls so Yoda wouldn't have to be so tiny. Luke is about 21" tall compared to my usual size of 17".
I found this really really great rough muslin for Luke's pants and Yoda's robe. That makes me happy, which is how you know I'm a big fabric nerd on top of being a big Star Wars nerd. I am like a totem pole of nerdosity.
Luke has a little backpack so Yoda can ride along and make cryptic and generally unhelpful comments. The pack attaches across the front with velcro so it can also be removed as well.
The original Kit I did as a commission was so popular and came out so well I had to make another one for this show. He has some small changes; a different robe and spotty tentacles. The head is jointed and the lightsaber attaches to his hand with velcro. Added bonus, his lightsaber is fun to hit people with. Also, I'm making a million more Kit Fistos because they are so freaking cute I'm going to explode.
The show runs through September 25th. Check out photos of all the artwork on Bear and Bird Boutique's Flickr stream or at their website. If you're interested in purchasing, there's a price list and availibilty sheet on the website here.
I haven't checked your blog in a while, but I was totally excited when I saw this post! Bear & Bird is located inside of what used to be my favorite local comic store. I don't live in South Florida anymore and I miss the store dearly. It's a truly amazing place! Congratulations on the show! Your plush creations are awesome!