I got a fairly large custom order and it came out so well I wanted to post some pictures. I made two sets of bumper pads, two baby quilts, two crib dust ruffles, a valance and curtain, and a diaper organizer to hang from the crib.

The bumper pads had these flowers on the tabs. Except for sewing the two flower
pieces together, these are all hand sewn. They took FOREVER and my fingers hurt. I need a thimble, but whenever I use one I tend to kind of not use the finger it's on. Generally I just put a bandage on that finger and that seems to work out.

I had a bit of extra fabric. Pattern envelopes are never accurate. Anyway, I used some to make these two little dollies for the babies. They're just two rectangles of
minky sewn and stuffed. I added a little oval of felt with some embroidery for the face. The skirt is just a strip of fabric with a casing sewn at the top so I could gather it with some ribbon. They're sitting in front of the little diaper organizer, which is rather obnoxiously cute. I prefer irony with my cute.

Little valance and curtain. The curtain ties up with the pink ribbons.

One of the set of bumpers. The other set has minty green
minky instead of pink, but the same paisley on the back. I spent so much time on the flowers I kind of hate them, I tend to get that way.

The two quilts. They're very simple, just twelve 12" square blocks and minky for the sashing and back. They're so soft and cuddly.
Hopefully my client will be happy with everything. :)
The bumper pads had these flowers on the tabs. Except for sewing the two flower pieces together, these are all hand sewn. They took FOREVER and my fingers hurt. I need a thimble, but whenever I use one I tend to kind of not use the finger it's on. Generally I just put a bandage on that finger and that seems to work out.http://sewingmachinejudge.com/sewing-machine-the-easiest-way-to-use-it/