I started
these waaaaaay back in October, dolls of Bats and I. Between lots of more pressing projects they got sort of pushed aside, languishing in their undies. But I finally got around to making them decent.

I'm so happy with the way they turned out (excuse the picture, the lighting was terrible but I was too excited to wait). Here is a picture of us for reference. Bats is about 19" tall and I'm about 17". I used lovely soft fleece and stuffed them loosely, so they're kind of floppy and nice to cuddle. The arms are jointed and the legs are made so they can sit nicely. Bats has a wee little jersey of course, with numbers made from felt and attached with fusible webbing (I was worried glue would go through the mesh). He also has a little sweatshirt made from an actual sweatshirt that was ruined. His socks are made from the finger parts of a pair of mittens, although I need to find some white ones to get the proper color. We each have little felt shoes.
Our little glasses even have lenses of clear plastic. I need to figure out how to attach the glasses, I want them to be able to come off, and right now they're just pinned onto our heads. Any ideas?
I like the simple embroidered faces, they don't compete with the other things going on. Doll faces are always so hard to figure out, since they contribute so much to the personality of the doll. Realistic eyes or felt or embroidered? Nose or not? We do both have mouths, his is just a bit hard to see with the beard. Bats has the absolute softest hair too, cut from a big piece of fake fur I found at the thrift store ages ago.
I wanted these to be able to take along when I go to visit my family. All my family and friends are on the other side of the country, which means when I go see them I'm gone for about a week. Which leads to much pining for my favorite superhero, and some limited pining on his part I imagine. I've been taking my Ninja Ice Bat, which Bats got me on our first date, but it's not quite the same. (He thinks I ought to get a little recordable voice box for the doll of me so he can have a doll that talks all the time for the true expeirence, the jerk.)
I was actually good with these and did my best not to fudge the pattern as a I went along. I'll be posting the pattern with instructions for a limited time, as I'd like to sell it eventually and would love some feedback. Please let me know if you're interested.